18 Apr


  • Rounders Sport
  • Rules of Rounders
  • No Ball
  • Out
  • What’s the score?

Rounders Sport
Rounders is a sport that has been played in England since Tudor times. It is a bat-and-ball game that is played between two teams. The very earliest rules of rounders as a sport were devised by the Gaelic Athletic Association in Ireland, in 1884.

Rules of Rounders
Each game is officiated by a bowling and batting umpire. These umpires are to adjudge the integrity of the game and also pick on any infractions whilst the game is taking place. It’s also up the umpires to try and keep all players safe as well as keeping equipment in the best possible order. Whilst waiting to go into bat, the batting team must all wait in the batting area found 10m behind the playing line. Two areas should be constructed, one with the waiting batters and the other with the out batters.Each batter will face just one delivery. It’s up to them to try and get to first post before being given out. If a player reaches the first post but then breaches one of the out laws, then they will be given out. A no ball will be called if a bowler fails to bowl the ball underarm, the ball is above shoulder or blow knee height, ball bounces before reaching the batter, is too wide of the batter for them to hit the ball or the bowler’s foot is outside the pitching square. Players can be given out by being caught, foot outside the batting square, running inside any of the posts, stumped at a post before they reach it (must be running to that post), overtaking a fellow batsmen whilst running, throw the bat or lose contact with the post before the ball is bowled.

No Ball
There are several reasons why a no ball can be called. These include the ball bouncing before reaching the batter, being too wide or aimed straight at the body and if the bowler does not use a smooth underarm throwing action. If the bowlers foot is outside the square whilst bowling the ball or the ball is thrown above the head or below the knee when reaching the batter these can also be classed as no balls. Penalty rounders can be scored by the opposite team if two no balls are thrown one after the other to the same batter. 토토

A batter is out if they have a foot over the batting square and either miss or hit a good ball. A batter is also out if a good ball is caught and has not bounced. Batters can also be out if they run inside a post, overtake another batter, obstruct a fielder, or lose contact with the post when the ball is in the bowlers square. Batters can be stumped out if the fielders stump the post they are running to.

What’s the score?
To score a point a player must hit the ball and make it round to the 4th post before the next ball is bowled. If a player manages to get to the 4th post without hitting a ball then half a rounder is scored. A half rounder is also awarded if a penalty for obstruction is caused by the fielding team, 2 consecutive no balls from the pitcher and 2nd or 3rd post is hit by the original batter before the next ball is bowled.

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